Monday, January 25, 2010

Is life fair?

Sometimes I wonder if there is any retribution in life, if there is any concept of ethics and morality still left or are such things just fancy thoughts and behavior only found in books. Is there any justice? As one sees around, many examples present themselves about life being unfair and one wonders what's the use of behaving well if all it comes to is heartburn and anguish?
But as life progresses, we see that though life may be unfair, God isn't. If one dearly loved thing is taken from us, we are blessed with another. We just fail to connect the dots but as we look back, we see that the entire picture was always taking shape for our good. These are not mere high-sounding words or idealistic thinking. This turns out to be absolutely true. I refuse to agree with people who say there is no fairness in life. There is, though life does not offer itself to us in the way we expect it to. It takes a different turn and brings us unexpectedly to a place where God makes us see how HE has given us back what HE took from us, in a much better way.
Though there is heartburn at present, there may be satisfaction in future. This is the way I choose to look at things because, otherwise, there's nothing but gloomy thoughts to entertain. I firmly believe in thsi worse of the Holy Quran " Hal Jaza-ul Ehsan-e- ill-al ehsan".....A good deed is returned by a good deed only.
I know the right path is hard to follow but it is this narrow gate that leads to fulfillment and peace.

1 comment:

  1. is there some concept of ethics or morality still left....
    there is a percentage of people which convinces their conscience on very weak and inappropriate moral justifications (they are called bad people) some convince themselve on better moral justifications, while the best people are those who despite suffecient excuse do no commit a wrong act unless its morality is virtually certain(good people)
    But if u seek justice within life and if u wana interpret that Quranic verse that way then probably u r trying to be too short sighted.
    desires or impatience tends to make u short sighted, dsnt it?
    Try to find people who consistently show high moral conduct, dont bend their morality under slight pressure or slight opportunity or slight moral justification. U will b more satisfied with them
