Still the USA chooses to justify the Isreali attacks on GAZA. STill, the resolution of the security council is blocked. Still, Muslims all over the world protests along with several non-Muslims, who feel that injustice is being done. Hosni Mubarak still refuses to open up the border with Gaza, as Egyptians protest in the streets. In london, celebrities alongwith common people march and demand their Govt to call back their envoy to Israel.In countries like Indonesia, Kashmir, Pakistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, New YOrk, Brussels, Phillipines, people protest but what happens? Israel turns a deaf ear to their pleas. The Palestinians continue to be killed,injured and starved. The US says finally that violence must end, but this is mere lip service. Everyone knows whose side the Us is. BUt there is one supreme truth. THe curse of an oppressed people never fails. Allah hears their pleas, Allah sees these protests, Allah knows the anguish in our hearts and Allah will definitely turn things for good.This will not break the Palestinians spirit. Raising voice against injustice is the supreme JIhad (struggle) and Muslims will keep on doing this peacefully, InshaAllah.
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