We grow up listening to some age-old phrases; philosophies that have been true since the beginning. We hear that" there may be delay in the justice of God, but never denial".We hear that " What goes around comes around"....we hear so many things and yet we never recognize their truth till a later age. I have always believed in the power of prayer and have shuddered at the mention of a curse because I know how lethal it can be. Yet I have lost count of people who take both of these realities so easily. I have seen people boasting of how lucky they are; of how they have the devil's luck and thae cat's nine lives; of how nothing will ever happen to them and they'll face God on the day of judgement. I listen to all this and I shudder......I shudder because I have seen the power that a few of one's spoken words have of coming back to haunt you.I shudder when I see someone boasting or being proud after hurting someone because I know that every word we speak is noted in the court of God. I fear because I have seen myths shattering and people doing things they said they would never do...I fear the "Bara Bol"....
Yet, do people really care for such trivial things? No, they don't. All our lives, we keep running after possessions as if that's all that matters and we forget the really important things in life; the small things. We forget that life is not what it seems to be. It follows a curious logic and few rules. It is a trial after all and yet how lightly we take it.
I have never understood the difference between punishment and trial, between "saza" and "azmaish"....Once someone told me that anything that takes you closer to God is a trial but anything that takes you away from God is a punishment....But is this really as easy as it sounds?? I don't know and I don't understand.
But, all the same, I long to understand. I long to be able to know the truth.....I long to see the hidden but the true path.....I want to be on the right side of this bargain.....but the wait for enlightenment seems to be never-ending. O God, YOU are the Light, so show me The Light. The darkness is unbearable.
Faroha Liaqat
duniya practical hai. What we are tought are "ideals", to be written, taught, praised ... but rest of the world is practical ...
ReplyDeletekitabi baaton se bahar aao ... :(
If all the world started to lose these ideals, the world would be like a jungle and there would be nothing left to live for.
ReplyDeleteIdeals do not exist in one particular form; There are good people who do do good without any expectation of return.Friends listen to our troubles without saying that we don't really need to.There is kindness and Reham....All of these are ideals....but they are part of the reality as well.....
Ideals ko chora nahi jaata, no matter how harsh the reality is