Monday, December 8, 2008

In the aftermath of the Mumbai blasts

Many Pakistanis and Indians have been left stunned by the ease with which the blame game can start between the two countries despite years of confidence building measures (CBMs). NO one can justify these attacks and every religion forbids such violence, but sadly, each major religion has been hijacked by fundamentalists at some time or other of world history. BUt many people in Pakistan, especially the younger generation, has suddenly realized that no matter how many measures one takes to build confidence, the mistrust between INdia and Pakistan is too much to tackle. THe scars of partition run deep and come forth with every fresh incidence.BUt what has shocked Pakistanis is the venom of the common Indian directed towards Pakistan so soon after the attack. WE fail to understand why is it so that even when the operation was going on, the Indian media had started pointing its fingers to Pakistan. Is this the level of confidence that 8 years of CBMs have built? Notwithstanding the consequences, hardliners on both sides want to go to war with eachother. BOth feel a sense of injustice; INdia understandably and Pakistan, because no one is willing to present any evidence but everyone is willing to blame Pakistan. WE fail to understand that why has the GOvernment of Pakistan not presented proof of INdia's extensive involvement in the insurgency in FATA and Balochistan, when ample proof is avaliable? WHy are we so large hearted? Who cares and who listens?

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