Friday, October 3, 2008

Karen Armstrong and Islam

Some people, mostly Jews, term Karen Armstrong as an apologist for Islam. Well, Islam may not need apologists but it certainly needs neutral scholars these days. I do think that Islam is the most misunderstood religion in the world. People like Karen Armstrong are doing a great service to Musims by explaining their religion to non-Muslims in a way that few have ever done. Her book, Muhammad: A biography of the Prophet is a beautiful read. It explains so much. No doubt she is respected widely among Muslims. Jerusalem; A city, three faiths is another book that is a must read for all. It is important for us to know the history of one of the most disputed sites on earth.
But the Muslims fail miserably in one reagrd. We do not have any writer, any scholar, any person who can explain away or successfully counter the accusations of non-Muslims. This is necessary; extremely important because Islam today is in focus for all the wrong reasons. Muslims need to know more about their religion, as each of them is an ambassador of Islam. As George Bernard Shaw said " Islam is the best religion but it has the worst followers". We need to be good Muslims first to prove to others the good that Islam teaches.

1 comment:

  1. a response from your comment:
    "I did not say MBA and medical are going to keep anyone away from being a scholar in islam.

    "to be a scholar of islam, one does not need a degree in islamic education."

    this, I disagree. "accessing" knowledge is different then retaining and dispensing (distribute) knowledge, which is what my post is about.

    for the latter, you do need a degree in islamic education. Student of knowledge are the once that have a direct link to scholars who dedicated a great deal of their lives and their purpose to learning the religion of Islam. not everyone can give fatwa's...

    scholars of islam are those that have attained the level of knowledge that those who are recognized as being the leaders recognize them. Who gives the Doctorate? or the Masters to the students? those that have attained and lead it.

    Prophet (s) said: 3 types of people that give Fatwa:
    1. person who is Jahil (unknowledge) and speaks without being right
    2. person that knows the truth but gives fatwa in opposite to it
    3. person who has knowledge and gives fatwa according to his knowledge. (this is the one that escapes from Allah's wrath)...

    not everyone can give fatwa.

    attaining knowledge that is in your dispence...I agree, the quran, many lectures and books are in our dispence and it is our will to go and open them and learn... Alhamdoulillah. However, the post was about the Women Scholars in Islam and attaining scholarships to give fatwas.

    wa Allahu A3lam"
