Monday, March 16, 2009

We won !

Jubilation in the streets of Pakistan.....A great showdown and a historic outcome......People's power at its best.....Judiciary is restored and all the struggles of the people of Pakistan for the last two years have been vindicated......But go ahead Pakistan...this is only the beginning.....May God be with you


  1. Jubilation and euphoria is understandable, but not enough - not at all enough.
    People's victory, power to the people, restoration of the democracy (by people, or by outside powers, like US in Iraq) - All these are considered to be an end in themselves.
    They are not.
    They are just a means (and btw, not the only means), to build a society where all sections (including serfs and women and dalits) can have freedom, that of life, liberty and pursuit of happyness, a society which makes efforts towards that holy grail of third world countries - a decent Human Development Index, a society where talks about rule of Law and Justice don't sound like fiction, where the weak feel protected and the criminals feel threatened [in the subcontinent, it is the opposirte :( ... and many more].

    So, once that happens, that, and only that should be cause of jubilation.
    Hope this is a beginning towards that end.

    PS: I sound like a spoilsport - But me acting spoilsport is not an end :), it is a "means" to try to wake us up.

  2. I agree with ur views 100 %, even about you being a spoil sport:)
