It was heartrending....The spectacle of a teenage girl being publicly flogged by Taliban send shivers down everyone's spine.Pakistan is ashamed and stunned today. This 2 minute video has brought the reality home to many of us; the reality that not only our way of life is in danger but every concept of good and evil we hold is being hijacked slowly by these extremists. If for nothing else, we have to fight for Islam, to stop our beloved religion being disgraced by such brutalities and narrow interpretations.
What was the crime of that girl? Even if it was adultery, the Quran places strict pre-requisites for the crime to be proved. IT requires 4 witnesses of good character and repute, who don't lie. THe judge or Qazi should be well-versed in matters of Shariah, be of good caharcter, never had his reputation stained in any way.....THe conditions are so severe taht in 99 cases, the crime cannot be proved unless it takes place in broad daylight,in utter violation of all sense of propriety....Ultimately, it's a sin between man and GOd...The punishment is so strict, therefore the conditions of proving guilt are so difficult as near to impossible. So how can these Taliban punish a girl when there has been no Qazi, no trial, no witnesses, and yet they assume taht she has committed adultery? What kind of Islam they think they follow? DEfinitely not what the Quran preaches, definitely not what Prophet MUhammad (PBUH) practised; definitely not with any humanity as its message.....
My heart bleeds for the people of Swat, who are forced to face such brutalities.....I cannot understand such Taliban and I cannot condone such behaviour.. I have a feeling that neither would the prophet condone this behaviour.....Islam is such a peaceful, humanitarian religion and it is being hijacked by these few extremists, who are bringing such a bad name to it.....This video has sent a shockwave through Pakistan and rightly so. We need to wake up to the fact that this is a war between two mindsets; one, a balanced, live and let live approach; the other, a barbaric, brutal attitude......We, the moderates, desperately need to win. And I hope and pray, that we do. We can't afford to lose.
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