Friday, October 2, 2009

My documentary on climate change

Check out my documentary by UK's Nature on climate change at the link

The movie is titled " Climate change -The two degree target"


  1. I watched this documentary on YouTube. It was all ok till I realized the fact that you were trying to put on a fake English accent which was neither Pakistani nor British or American. To exude confidence, you need to be genuine to yourself and others listening to you; no matter what others think about you (just an advice). Your contribution to the whole discussion was lacking to some extent though. Better next time?!

  2. Thanks for your comments. I appreciate them. However, I was not trying to put on a fake accent. That's the way I really speak; otherwise it's difficult to maintain a fake accent all through the year, every time you open your mouth. As far as my views are concerned, my views have been edited out of the documentary, because they proved to be too controversial and blunt
