Sunday, October 24, 2010

Do miracles really happen?

Why is life sometimes so very difficult to understand? There are periods  in life which seem to be like fairy tales,  when every thing goes on smoothly, when wishes come true, when dreams are realized, when even the deepest desires of your heart are fulfilled even without yourself realizing that this was what you desired. This is the time when impossible becomes possible, when life is great, when the sun shines and when truly, life is beautiful. Even then, I fail, sometimes, to understand why is it so? Why do sometimes everything is going your way and in the midst of it all, you suddenly realize that it really isn't. It just seems to be.
      And yet again, sometimes, you are weighed down by the realization that you cannot, simply cannot, make your life go in any direction you want it to go to, when you realize that what you wish for is impossible, that miracles don't happen anymore, that you are just like a child wishing for the moon. Often the two opposite phases of bliss and despair follow closely together. I must confess that it baffles me; it really does. I simply canot make sense out of it all.
     I realize now that stories we read in books, see in movies or hear about and that we laugh off as a work of fiction, actually are quite real to some people like us. It is hard to accept when it's happening to yourself. you feel as if you are going through certain acts in a drama in slow motion and the curtain may fall anytime.
     I don't know if all these ramblings are making sense to anyone at all but they do not make any sense to me at least. At times like these, I am inclined to wish for a simple existence, of a life free of drama, a life that is dull and peaceful. I tend to believe that in times like these, we are simply not masters of our life. It eludes us; it is God who makes us go one way when all we wish for is the other one round the corner. It is, simply, fate.
   Resignation is what will bring peace of mind. I want to throw the cards down and give up.

Faroha Liaqat.

1 comment:

  1. Pahle choices nahi thheen .. one grew up with predetermined (parents, kids, relatives, familyNfriends) and one was married to someone (s)he didn't ve much say in deciding (hence, for him/her, predetermined). Below video shows that we are less happy when choices are less ...

    same sentiment is echoed in Aisha Takia's dialog in movie Dor .. "kaun jeeta hai kaun marta hai ye bhagvaan decide kare, meera kyon, kyon kisi ki zindagi ki dor mere haath me thhama di gayee hai .. etc etc"
