Sometimes, we are led to make decisions in life without actually knowing why we did so. I feel exactly like that now. Relocation to a new country, thousand of miles from home, is a big decision. In my case, it was a huge decision -very difficult- and yet I made it without turning a brow! Why, I often wonder? I didn't want to move; I didn't want to leave Pakistan once again - a place that lives in my heart wherever I am. More than any thing, I did not want to leave the love, care and peace that came from being with people closest to me, who were my own. Yet I relocated to UK despite not wanting it. Why, I wonder?
The only answer that comes up is that I did so because I was meant to do it. Now, people may say this is an extremely fatalistic attitude and I agree- I am a fatalist. I have learnt long ago that sometimes, one has to go with the flow despite reservations because fighting with fate brings nothing but disappointment. Now that I am here, in a strange city full of unknown people - a city where I have no friends or even acquaintances - I am full of unhappiness and restlessness but strangely, no doubts. I am sure that Allah will make it work. There was a reason that I came here and possibly I will get to know it later in life, but for now, I trust Allah with my life and I believe that Allah never breaks your trust. In a city where I have no friends, I take Allah as my friend and then, everything is up to Him. I realize now what it is to be alone and feel at times like this how great is Allah's friendship. He never leaves us and He never stops listening. That's the only thing that cheers me now. So, I trust in this love and try to make a new life once again in another part of the world. Fi Amaan-i- Allah.
Faroha Liaqat
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