Sunday, April 24, 2011

What's missing?

Writing is always such a blessing; it makes my heavy-heartedness go away. That's why I always turn to it when I feel overburdened with the impact of my own feelings.

It must be something in the air that makes me so restless. So hot and still during the day and so balmy in the evening. Even this weather transition has done nothing to cure me of this emptiness. This loneliness gnaws at my heart and threatens to tear it in pieces. I long for my friends and my family with whom I can be myself. I wish for their understanding and the ease with which I can tell them what's bothering me. I am disturbed by this silence. Europe may have many pleasures and attractions but one of its biggest disadvantage is the loneliness it offers to every one. The fast life doesn't make you realize it what a key component of happiness in life is missing here but it becomes apparent as soon as any time is available.

I wish I was in Islamabad right now, thinking of who to talk to and who not to. I wish for that comfort of sharing the beautiful weather in silence with people I love so much. I appreciate now the small things that make life so beautiful because I don't have them now. I can not be complete without the sense of belonging and love that comes from being in Islamabad. I remember the times I used to see the falling rain with my sister through the window and inhale the fresh air. I remember the walks I took in spring last year. It is spring again and I miss it so much. Birds also chirp here, the weather is beautiful, the air is balmy but there is no happiness. What is spring when the heart craves for some "apnapan", some belonging, some real carefree happiness?

I know that it is necessary to move on and one has to loose a great deal to earn much. Still, it makes me wonder why on earth it has to be so? I remember Faiz again this evening " Sar e koye nashanayian, hamay din se raat karna. Kabhi is se baat karna, akbhi us se baat karna"....

I have no words that could describe this intense feeling. I stand on the balcony, look over at the glimmering city lights and the river in the distance and an think of only one thing. I miss the people I love.

Faroha Liaqat


  1. It just reminded me of my own post written 5 years back - - if you ask me today about this post, I will say its totally bullshit .... this happiness of loneliness dies very fast and after that heart and brain both stops enjoying this loneliness .... btw, nice post and looking forward for more coming from your artillery ... :-) ....

  2. Every moment of life has its own beauty...such moments of life,when one feel the meaning of loneliness,it make us realize what is the beauty of the moments which we passed but couldn't feel their real joy and happiness...and whenever in life such moments come again...then we recall these moments of loneliness and feel the happiness of being in the compnay of loved ones...

  3. Such moments in life make us realize the beauty and joy of the time we had with our loved ones but tat time our minds may be diverted to other matters...but feeling of loneliness highlights the missed parts in our lives...letting us to live those monents to its full when we r again with our loved ones...

  4. @ Shiraaz.

    Thanks for the appreciation. I didn'T mention any happienss coming out of loneliness; infact this post speaks about the contrary.
